Vote for NINDEN

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Server statistics
Votes 5
Last vote AWallPlayz
Status Online
Players 1 / 125 (39 minutes ago)
Uptime 93.12 %

PvP Legal Votifier Server Version 1.12.2


NINDEN is a Naruto themed server with epic jutsu, events, and an open-world. You can strive to create peace in the ninja world or to force it into ruin. Join to take part in classic events from the Naruto series through an immersive and in-depth experience. Take part in missions, exams, events, and much more. Explore the variety of PvP and PvE oriented content we have to offer. Design your character and choose a playstyle that fits you. Wield a variety of ninja tools and race to the top to become the strongest shinobi. There are a plethora of things you can do on our server, and it all starts by joining now.

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