Vote for MinecraftPlanetEarth

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Server statistics
Votes 0
Last vote Deweet
Status Online
Players 0 / 100 (47 minutes ago)
Uptime 92.43 %

Survival PvP Factions Legal Votifier Server Version 1.14.4


*Sever is closed for the time being

MinecraftPlanetEarth is a geopolitical experience where the players write the story. Build real or fictional towns and nations on a blank map of Planet Earth in 1:500 scale, as well as other worlds through space exploration. Enhance your gameplay with plugins like Movecraft, Dynmap, Towny, Slimefun, Brewery, Space, and many more. Go to war against other players and build your fame as a general, or even become a merchant city. This is a server where the players drive the lore, so come and create your legacy today.

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